Value of an American

If you’ve ever wondered why women feel the need to have a women’s movement (yes, I mean feminism) maybe this will help. There’s a national campaign to have Andrew Jackson – who happens to be the founder of the democratic party and the face on the 20 dollar bill – replaced with a lady (you … Continue reading Value of an American

Trouble in the Burbs

Disclaimer: I'm not sure I can honestly call where we live 'the burbs' - we're inside one of the two major beltways that wrap around Houston and that's plenty of city to choose from, but it's a subdivision and has that suburban feel so that's what we'll call it.  It was the last night of The … Continue reading Trouble in the Burbs

Boxed In

  I’m sitting here amid a pile of boxes. We’re moving again – less than a year from the last move, but that’s okay because this is looking to be the last for a long while – but that reassurance doesn’t make it any easier to pack things up. Amidst all the non-packing, it dawned … Continue reading Boxed In

Why Not?

My friend recently gifted me with his candle making supplies. As he was trying to de-clutter, I really couldn't say no, could I? Here even brought everything by, all nicely packaged in a crate, and dumped it in my dining room. My daughter was entranced. Enough so that this child whom, for lack of an … Continue reading Why Not?

This ‘n’ That

I'm 8 weeks from finishing my nursing degree, folks. It's a good feeling, providing it lasts all the way to that diploma in my hand. I'll still have coursework towards my BSN after that, but I'm looking forward to a little more time for family, writing, and hopefully some gainful employment - preferably in the … Continue reading This ‘n’ That

Because my husband said it best

Nathan L. Hale: "Why?" This is the question everyone seems to be asking. Why would someone do something so horrendous to such innocent children? As if there could be some answer to that question. What answer could possibly serve to explain, excuse or vindicate these actions? The question I ask is "when?" When will we … Continue reading Because my husband said it best